fracridge API


The MATLAB version of the software provides the function fracridge:

function [coef,alphas,offset] = fracridge(X,fracs,y,tol,mode,standardizemode)


XThe design matrix (d x p) with different data points in the rows and

different regressors in the columns.

fracsa vector (1 x f) of one or more fractions between 0 and 1.

Fractions can be exactly 0 or exactly 1. However, values in between 0 and 1 should be no less than 0.001 and no greater than 0.999. For example, fracs could be 0:.05:1 or 0:.1:1.

yThe data (d x t)

One or more target variables in the columns.

tol(optional) is a tolerance value such that eigenvalues

below the tolerance are treated as 0. Default: 1e-6.

mode : (optional) can be:

0 means the default behavior, fracs is interpreted as a series of requested fractions.

1 means to interpret fracs as exact alpha values that are desired. This case involves using the rotation trick to speed up the ridge regression but does not involve the fraction-based tailoring method. In the case that mode is 1, the output alphas is returned as [].

Default: 0.

standardizemode : (optional) can be:

0 means the default behavior (do not modify any of the regressors). In this case, we do not add an offset term to the model. Note that the user may choose to include an constant regressor in X if so desired.

1 means to add an offset term to the model. In this case, the offset term is fully estimated using ordinary least squares, and ridge regression is applied to de-meaned data and de-meaned regressors. (The user should not include a constant regressor in X if using this mode.)

2 means to standardize the regressors before performing ridge regression. In this case, an offset term is added to the model, and is fully estimated using ordinary least squares. Ridge regression is applied to de-meaned data and standardized regressors. The returned regression weights will refer to the original regressors (i.e., they will be adjusted for the effects of standardization). This mode may be preferred for most applications given that the effects of regularization are influenced by the scale of the regressors. (The user should not include a constant regressor in X if using this mode.)

Default: 0.


coefas the estimated regression weights (p x f x t)

for all fractional levels for all target variables.

alphasas the alpha values (f x t) that correspond to the

requested fractions. Note that alpha values can be Inf in the case that the requested fraction is 0, and can be 0 in the case that the requested fraction is 1.

offsetas the offset term for each target variable (f x t).

Note that when <standardizemode> is 0, no offset term is added, and <offset> is returned as all zeros.


  • We silently ignore regressors that are all zeros.

  • The class of coef and alphas is matched to the class of X.

  • All values in X and y should be finite. (A check for this is performed.)

  • If a given target variable consists of all zeros, this is a degenerate case, and we will return regression weights that are all zeros and alpha values that are all zeros.


Example 1 (Demonstrate that fracridge achieves the correct fractional length)

y = randn(1000,1);
X = randn(1000,10);
coef = inv(X'*X)*X'*y;
[coef2,alpha] = fracridge(X,0.3,y);
coef3 = inv(X'*X + alpha*eye(size(X,2)))*X'*y;
coef4 = fracridge(X,alpha,y,[],1);
norm(coef2) ./ norm(coef)

Example 2 (Compare execution time between naive ridge regression and fracridge)

y = randn(1000,300);        % 1000 data points x 300 target variables
X = randn(1000,3000);       % 1000 data points x 3000 predictors
% naive approach
alphas = 10.^(-4:.5:5.5);  % guess 20 alphas
cache1 = X'*X;
cache2 = X'*y;
coef = zeros(3000,length(alphas),300);
for j=1:length(alphas)
    coef(:,j,:) = permute(inv(cache1 + alphas(j)*eye(size(X,2)))*cache2,[1 3 2]);
% fracridge approach
fracs = .05:.05:1;         % get 20 equally-spaced lengths
coef2 = fracridge(X,fracs,y);
% fracridge implementation of simple rotation
coef3 = fracridge(X,alphas,y,[],1);

Example 3 (Plot coefficient paths and vector length for a simple example)

y = randn(100,1);
X = randn(100,6)*(1+rand(6,6));
fracs = .05:.05:1;
[coef,alphas] = fracridge(X,fracs,y);
subplot(1,2,1); hold on;
title('Trace plot of coefficients');
subplot(1,2,2); hold on;
ylabel('Vector length');

Example 4 (Demonstrate how fracridge handles standardization of regressors)

X = 20 + randn(50,2);
y = X*rand(2,1) + randn(50,1);
fracs = 0.1:0.1:1;
[coef,alphas,offset] = fracridge(X,fracs,y,[],[],2);
modelfit = X*coef + repmat(offset',[50 1]);
figure; hold on;
cmap0 = copper(length(fracs));
h = [];
legendstr = {};
for p=1:length(fracs)
    h(p) = plot(modelfit(:,p),'-','Color',cmap0(p,:));
    legendstr{p} = sprintf('Frac %.1f',fracs(p));
hdata = plot(y,'k-','LineWidth',2);
legend([hdata h],['Data' legendstr],'Location','EastOutside');


The fracridge API includes a functional interface and an object-oriented interface. The object-oriented interface is consistent with the Scikit Learn API, providing an estimator that can be integrated into pipelines that use scikit learn.


This is the functional API for the software.

fracridge.fracridge(X, y[, fracs, tol, jit])

Approximates alpha parameters to match desired fractions of OLS length.


This is the object-oriented interface for the software.

fracridge.FracRidgeRegressor([fracs, ...])



This object uses sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV to find the best value of frac for provided data using cross-validation.


Uses sklearn.model_selection.GridSearchCV to find the best value of frac given the data, using cross-validation.