Source code for cloudknot.cloudknot

"""Create Pars and Knot classes which represent AWS Cloudformation stack."""
import botocore
import configparser
import ipaddress
import logging
import os

from import Iterable
from collections import namedtuple

from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor

from . import aws
from .config import get_config_file, rlock, is_valid_stack
from . import dockerimage

__all__ = ["Pars", "Knot"]

mod_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _stack_out(key, outputs):
    o = list(filter(lambda d: d["OutputKey"] == key, outputs))[0]
    return o["OutputValue"]

def _ec2_instance_types():
    """Yield all available EC2 instance types."""
    paginator = aws.clients["ec2"].get_paginator("describe_instance_types")
    response_iterator = paginator.paginate()
    responses = [
        lst for sublist in response_iterator for lst in sublist["InstanceTypes"]
    instance_types = [inst["InstanceType"] for inst in responses]
    return set(instance_types)

# noinspection PyPropertyAccess,PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs]class Pars(aws.NamedObject): """ PARS stands for Persistent AWS Resource Set. This object collects AWS resources that could, in theory, be created only once for each cloudknot user and used for all of their subsequent AWS batch jobs. This set consists of IAM roles, a VPC with subnets for each availability zone, and a security group. """ def __init__( self, name=None, batch_service_role_name=None, ecs_instance_role_name=None, spot_fleet_role_name=None, policies=(), use_default_vpc=True, ipv4_cidr=None, instance_tenancy=None, aws_resource_tags=None, ): """Initialize a PARS instance. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of this PARS. If `pars name` exists in the config file, Pars will retrieve those PARS resource parameters. Otherwise, Pars will create a new PARS with this name. Must be less than 46 characters. Must satisfy regular expression pattern: [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]* Default: '${AWS-username}-default' batch_service_role_name : str Name of this PARS' batch service IAM role. If the role already exists, Pars will adopt it. Otherwise, it will create it. Default: name + '-cloudknot-batch-service-role' ecs_instance_role_name : str Name of this PARS' ECS instance IAM role. If the role already exists, Pars will adopt it. Otherwise, it will create it. Default: name + '-cloudknot-ecs-instance-role' spot_fleet_role_name : str Name of this PARS' spot fleet IAM role. If the role already exists, Pars will adopt it. Otherwise, it will create it. Default: name + '-cloudknot-spot-fleet-role' policies : tuple of strings tuple of names of AWS policy ARNs to attach to each role Default: () use_default_vpc : bool if True, create or retrieve the default VPC if False, use other input args to create a non-default VPC ipv4_cidr : string IPv4 CIDR block to be used for creation of a new VPC instance_tenancy : string Instance tenancy for this VPC, one of ['default', 'dedicated'] Default: 'default' aws_resource_tags : dict or list of dicts Additional AWS resource tags to apply to this repository """ # Validate name input if name is not None and not isinstance(name, str): raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "PARS name must be a string. You passed a " "{t!s}".format(t=type(name)) ) if name is None: name = aws.get_user() + "-default" if len(name) > 45: raise aws.CloudknotInputError("Pars name must be less than 46 characters.") super(Pars, self).__init__(name=name) # Validate aws_resource_tags input before creating any resources self._tags = aws.get_tags(name=name, additional_tags=aws_resource_tags) # Check for existence of this pars in the config file config = configparser.ConfigParser() with rlock: self._pars_name = "pars " + if self._pars_name in config.sections(): self._region = config.get(self._pars_name, "region") self._profile = config.get(self._pars_name, "profile") self.check_profile_and_region()"Found PARS {name:s} in config".format(name=name)) self._stack_id = config.get(self._pars_name, "stack-id") if not is_valid_stack(self._stack_id): # Remove this section from the config file with rlock: config.remove_section(self._pars_name) with open(get_config_file(), "w") as f: config.write(f) raise aws.ResourceDoesNotExistException( "Cloudknot found this PARS in its config file, but " "the PARS stack that you requested does not exist on " "AWS. Cloudknot has deleted this PARS from the config " "file, so you may be able to create a new one simply " "by re-running your previous command.", self._stack_id, ) response = aws.clients["cloudformation"].describe_stacks( StackName=self._stack_id ) outs = response.get("Stacks")[0]["Outputs"] self._batch_service_role = _stack_out("BatchServiceRole", outs) self._ecs_instance_role = _stack_out("EcsInstanceRole", outs) self._spot_fleet_role = _stack_out("SpotFleetRole", outs) self._ecs_instance_profile = _stack_out("InstanceProfile", outs) self._vpc = _stack_out("VpcId", outs) self._subnets = _stack_out("SubnetIds", outs).split(",") self._security_group = _stack_out("SecurityGroupId", outs) vpc_response = aws.clients["ec2"].describe_vpcs(VpcIds=[self._vpc])["Vpcs"][ 0 ] stack_instance_tenancy = vpc_response["InstanceTenancy"] stack_ipv4_cidr = vpc_response["CidrBlock"] ecs_response = aws.clients["iam"].list_attached_role_policies( RoleName=self._ecs_instance_role.split("/")[-1] ) stack_policies = set( [d["PolicyName"] for d in ecs_response["AttachedPolicies"]] ) # Pars exists, check that user did not provide any conflicting # resource names. This dict has values that are tuples, the first # value of which is the provided input parameter in __init__ # and the second of which is the resource name in the AWS stack input_params = { "batch_service_role_name": ( batch_service_role_name, self._batch_service_role, ), "ecs_instance_role_name": ( ecs_instance_role_name, self._ecs_instance_role, ), "spot_fleet_role_name": (spot_fleet_role_name, self._spot_fleet_role), "ipv4_cidr": (ipv4_cidr, stack_ipv4_cidr), "instance_tenancy": (instance_tenancy, stack_instance_tenancy), } conflicting_params = { k: v for k, v in input_params.items() if v[0] and v[1] != v[0] } # Inspect policies separately since we only require policies # the input to be a subset of the stack-defined policies if not set(policies) <= stack_policies: conflicting_params["policies"] = (set(policies), stack_policies) if conflicting_params: raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "You provided resources for a PARS that already exists in " "config file {fn:s} but the ".format(fn=get_config_file()) + "AWS resources in that PARS stack conflict with some of " "your input parameters. The conflicting parameters you " "provided were {l}".format(l=list(conflicting_params.keys())) ) conf_bsr = config.get(self._pars_name, "batch-service-role") conf_sfr = config.get(self._pars_name, "spot-fleet-role") conf_ecsr = config.get(self._pars_name, "ecs-instance-role") conf_ecsp = config.get(self._pars_name, "ecs-instance-profile") conf_vpc = config.get(self._pars_name, "vpc") conf_subnets = config.get(self._pars_name, "subnets") conf_sg = config.get(self._pars_name, "security-group") if not all( [ self._batch_service_role == conf_bsr, self._ecs_instance_role == conf_ecsr, self._ecs_instance_profile == conf_ecsp, self._spot_fleet_role == conf_sfr, self._vpc == conf_vpc, ",".join(self._subnets) == conf_subnets, self._security_group == conf_sg, ] ): raise aws.CloudknotConfigurationError( "The resources in the CloudFormation stack do not match " "the resources in the cloudknot configuration file. " "Please try a different name." ) else: # Pars doesn't exist, use input to create resources def validated_name(role_name, fallback_suffix): # Validate role name input if role_name: if not isinstance(role_name, str): raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "if provided, role names must be strings." ) else: role_name = name + "-" + fallback_suffix return role_name batch_service_role_name = validated_name( batch_service_role_name, "batch-service-role" ) ecs_instance_role_name = validated_name( ecs_instance_role_name, "ecs-instance-role" ) spot_fleet_role_name = validated_name( spot_fleet_role_name, "spot-fleet-role" ) # Check the user supplied policies. Remove redundant entries if isinstance(policies, str): input_policies = {policies} else: try: if all(isinstance(x, str) for x in policies): input_policies = set(list(policies)) else: raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "policies must be a string or a " "sequence of strings." ) except TypeError: raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "policies must be a string " "or a sequence of strings" ) # Validate policies against the available policies policy_arns = [] policy_names = [] for policy in input_policies: try: aws.clients["iam"].get_policy(PolicyArn=policy) policy_arns.append(policy) except ( aws.clients["iam"].exceptions.InvalidInputException, aws.clients["iam"].exceptions.NoSuchEntityException, botocore.exceptions.ParamValidationError, ): policy_names.append(policy) if policy_names: # Get all AWS policies paginator = aws.clients["iam"].get_paginator("list_policies") response_iterator = paginator.paginate() # response_iterator is a list of dicts. First convert to list of lists # and the flatten to a single list response_policies = [ response["Policies"] for response in response_iterator ] policies_list = [ lst for sublist in response_policies for lst in sublist ] aws_policies = {d["PolicyName"]: d["Arn"] for d in policies_list} # If input policies are not subset of aws_policies, throw error if not (set(policy_names) < set(aws_policies.keys())): bad_policies = set(policy_names) - set(aws_policies.keys()) raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "Could not find the policies {bad_policies!s} on " "AWS.".format(bad_policies=bad_policies) ) policy_arns += [aws_policies[policy] for policy in policy_names] s3_params = aws.get_s3_params() policy_list = [s3_params.policy_arn] + [policy for policy in policy_arns] policies = ",".join(policy_list) if use_default_vpc: if any([ipv4_cidr, instance_tenancy]): raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "if using the default VPC, you cannot specify " "`ipv4_cidr` or `instance_tenancy`." ) # Retrieve the default VPC ID try: response = aws.clients["ec2"].create_default_vpc() vpc_id = response.get("Vpc").get("VpcId") except aws.clients["ec2"].exceptions.ClientError as e: error_code = e.response.get("Error").get("Code") if error_code == "DefaultVpcAlreadyExists": # Then use first default VPC response = aws.clients["ec2"].describe_vpcs( Filters=[{"Name": "isDefault", "Values": ["true"]}] ) vpc_id = response.get("Vpcs")[0].get("VpcId") elif error_code == "UnauthorizedOperation": raise aws.CannotCreateResourceException( "Cannot create a default VPC because this is an " "unauthorized operation. You may not have the " "proper permissions to create a default VPC." ) elif error_code == "OperationNotPermitted": raise aws.CannotCreateResourceException( "Cannot create a default VPC because this is an " "unauthorized operation. You might have resources " "in EC2-Classic in the current region." ) else: # pragma: nocover raise e except NotImplementedError as e: moto_msg = ( "The create_default_vpc action has not " "been implemented" ) if moto_msg in e.args: # This exception is here for compatibility with # moto testing since the create_default_vpc # action has not been implemented in moto. # Pretend that the default vpc already exists response = aws.clients["ec2"].describe_vpcs( Filters=[{"Name": "isDefault", "Values": ["true"]}] ) vpc_id = response.get("Vpcs")[0].get("VpcId") else: raise e # Retrieve the subnets for the default VPC paginator = aws.clients["ec2"].get_paginator("describe_subnets") response_iterator = paginator.paginate( Filters=[{"Name": "vpc-id", "Values": [vpc_id]}] ) # response_iterator is a list of dicts. First convert to list # of lists and then flatten to a single list response_subnets = [ response["Subnets"] for response in response_iterator ] subnets_list = [lst for sublist in response_subnets for lst in sublist] subnet_ids = [d["SubnetId"] for d in subnets_list] subnet_zones = [d["AvailabilityZone"] for d in subnets_list] response = aws.clients["ec2"].describe_availability_zones() zones = [ d["ZoneName"] for d in response.get("AvailabilityZones") if d["State"] == "available" ] # If this region doesn't have a subnet in each availability # zone, then create the required subnets and repopulate # the subnet list if set(subnet_zones) < set(zones): for z in set(zones) - set(subnet_zones): aws.clients["ec2"].create_default_subnet(AvailabilityZone=z) response_iterator = paginator.paginate( Filters=[{"Name": "vpc-id", "Values": [vpc_id]}] ) # response_iterator is a list of dicts. First convert to # list of lists and then flatten to a single list response_subnets = [ response["Subnets"] for response in response_iterator ] subnets_list = [ lst for sublist in response_subnets for lst in sublist ] subnet_ids = [d["SubnetId"] for d in subnets_list] template_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates", "pars-with-default-vpc.template", ) ) with open(template_path, "r") as fp: template_body = response = aws.clients["cloudformation"].create_stack( + "-pars", TemplateBody=template_body, Parameters=[ { "ParameterKey": "BatchServiceRoleName", "ParameterValue": batch_service_role_name, }, { "ParameterKey": "EcsInstanceRoleName", "ParameterValue": ecs_instance_role_name, }, { "ParameterKey": "SpotFleetRoleName", "ParameterValue": spot_fleet_role_name, }, {"ParameterKey": "IamPolicies", "ParameterValue": policies}, {"ParameterKey": "VpcId", "ParameterValue": vpc_id}, { "ParameterKey": "Subnets", "ParameterValue": ",".join(subnet_ids), }, ], Capabilities=["CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM"], Tags=self.tags, ) self._stack_id = response["StackId"] waiter = aws.clients["cloudformation"].get_waiter( "stack_create_complete" ) waiter.wait(StackName=self._stack_id, WaiterConfig={"Delay": 10}) response = aws.clients["cloudformation"].describe_stacks( StackName=self._stack_id ) outs = response.get("Stacks")[0]["Outputs"] self._batch_service_role = _stack_out("BatchServiceRole", outs) self._ecs_instance_role = _stack_out("EcsInstanceRole", outs) self._spot_fleet_role = _stack_out("SpotFleetRole", outs) self._ecs_instance_profile = _stack_out("InstanceProfile", outs) self._vpc = _stack_out("VpcId", outs) self._subnets = _stack_out("SubnetIds", outs).split(",") self._security_group = _stack_out("SecurityGroupId", outs) else: # Check that ipv4 is a valid network range or set default value if ipv4_cidr: try: ipv4_cidr = str(ipaddress.IPv4Network(str(ipv4_cidr))) except (ipaddress.AddressValueError, ValueError): raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "If provided, ipv4_cidr must be a valid IPv4 " "network range." ) else: ipv4_cidr = str(ipaddress.IPv4Network("")) # Validate instance_tenancy input if instance_tenancy: if instance_tenancy in ("default", "dedicated"): instance_tenancy = instance_tenancy else: raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "If provided, instance tenancy must be " 'one of ("default", "dedicated").' ) else: instance_tenancy = "default" # Get subnet CIDR blocks # Get an IPv4Network instance representing the VPC CIDR block cidr = ipaddress.IPv4Network(str(ipv4_cidr)) # Get list of subnet CIDR blocks subnet_ipv4_cidrs = list(cidr.subnets(new_prefix=20)) if len(subnet_ipv4_cidrs) < 2: # pragma: nocover raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "If provided, ipv4_cidr must be large enough to " "accomodate two subnets. If you don't know what this " "means, try the default value or specify " "`use_default_vpc=True`." ) subnet_ipv4_cidrs = subnet_ipv4_cidrs[:2] template_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates", "pars-with-new-vpc.template", ) ) with open(template_path, "r") as fp: template_body = response = aws.clients["cloudformation"].create_stack( + "-pars", TemplateBody=template_body, Parameters=[ { "ParameterKey": "BatchServiceRoleName", "ParameterValue": batch_service_role_name, }, { "ParameterKey": "EcsInstanceRoleName", "ParameterValue": ecs_instance_role_name, }, { "ParameterKey": "SpotFleetRoleName", "ParameterValue": spot_fleet_role_name, }, {"ParameterKey": "IamPolicies", "ParameterValue": policies}, {"ParameterKey": "VpcCidr", "ParameterValue": ipv4_cidr}, { "ParameterKey": "VpcInstanceTenancy", "ParameterValue": instance_tenancy, }, { "ParameterKey": "Subnet1Cidr", "ParameterValue": str(subnet_ipv4_cidrs[0]), }, { "ParameterKey": "Subnet2Cidr", "ParameterValue": str(subnet_ipv4_cidrs[1]), }, ], Capabilities=["CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM"], Tags=self.tags, ) self._stack_id = response["StackId"] waiter = aws.clients["cloudformation"].get_waiter( "stack_create_complete" ) waiter.wait(StackName=self._stack_id, WaiterConfig={"Delay": 10}) response = aws.clients["cloudformation"].describe_stacks( StackName=self._stack_id ) outs = response.get("Stacks")[0]["Outputs"] self._batch_service_role = _stack_out("BatchServiceRole", outs) self._ecs_instance_role = _stack_out("EcsInstanceRole", outs) self._spot_fleet_role = _stack_out("SpotFleetRole", outs) self._ecs_instance_profile = _stack_out("InstanceProfile", outs) self._vpc = _stack_out("VpcId", outs) self._subnets = _stack_out("SubnetIds", outs).split(",") self._security_group = _stack_out("SecurityGroupId", outs) # Save the new pars resources in config object # Use config.set() for python 2.7 compatibility with rlock: config.add_section(self._pars_name) config.set(self._pars_name, "stack-id", self._stack_id) config.set(self._pars_name, "region", self.region) config.set(self._pars_name, "profile", self.profile) config.set( self._pars_name, "batch-service-role", self._batch_service_role ) config.set( self._pars_name, "ecs-instance-role", self._ecs_instance_role ) config.set(self._pars_name, "spot-fleet-role", self._spot_fleet_role) config.set( self._pars_name, "ecs-instance-profile", self._ecs_instance_profile ) config.set(self._pars_name, "vpc", self._vpc) config.set(self._pars_name, "subnets", ",".join(self._subnets)) config.set(self._pars_name, "security-group", self._security_group) # Save config to file with open(get_config_file(), "w") as f: config.write(f) @property def pars_name(self): """Return section name for this PARS in the cloudknot config file.""" return self._pars_name @property def tags(self): """Return AWS resource tags for this stack and all of its constituent resources.""" return self._tags @property def stack_id(self): """Return Cloudformation Stack ID for this PARS.""" return self._stack_id @property def batch_service_role(self): """Return IAM batch service role associated with this PARS.""" return self._batch_service_role @property def ecs_instance_role(self): """Return IAM ECS instance role associated with this PARS.""" return self._ecs_instance_role @property def ecs_instance_profile(self): """Return IAM ECS instance profile associated with this PARS.""" return self._ecs_instance_profile @property def spot_fleet_role(self): """Return IAM spot fleet role associated with this PARS.""" return self._spot_fleet_role @property def vpc(self): """Return VPC ID attached to this PARS.""" return self._vpc @property def subnets(self): """Return VPC subnets for this PARS.""" return self._subnets @property def security_group(self): """Return security group ID attached to this PARS.""" return self._security_group def clobber(self): """Delete associated AWS resources and remove section from config.""" if self.clobbered: return self.check_profile_and_region() aws.clients["cloudformation"].delete_stack(StackName=self._stack_id) # Remove this section from the config file config = configparser.ConfigParser() with rlock: config.remove_section(self._pars_name) with open(get_config_file(), "w") as f: config.write(f) # Set the clobbered parameter to True, # preventing subsequent method calls self._clobbered = True"Clobbered PARS {name:s}".format(
# noinspection PyPropertyAccess,PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs]class Knot(aws.NamedObject): """ A collection of resources and methods to submit jobs to AWS Batch. This object collects AWS resources that should be created once for each type of batch run. The resource set consists of a PARS; a docker image made from an input function or python script; a remote docker repo to house said image; and an AWS batch job definition, compute environment, and job queue. It also contains methods to submit batch jobs for a range of arguments. """ def __init__( self, name=None, pars=None, pars_policies=(), docker_image=None, base_image=None, func=None, image_script_path=None, image_work_dir=None, image_github_installs=(), username=None, repo_name=None, image_tags=None, no_image_cache=False, job_definition_name=None, job_def_vcpus=None, memory=None, n_gpus=None, retries=None, compute_environment_name=None, instance_types=None, min_vcpus=None, max_vcpus=None, desired_vcpus=None, volume_size=None, image_id=None, ec2_key_pair=None, bid_percentage=None, job_queue_name=None, priority=None, aws_resource_tags=None, ): """ Initialize a Knot instance. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional The name for this knot. Must be less than 46 characters. Must satisfy regular expression pattern: [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]* Default='${AWS-username}-default' pars : Pars, optional The PARS on which to base this knot's AWS resources Default: instance returned by Pars() pars_policies : tuple of strings tuple of names of AWS policies to attach to each role Default: () docker_image : DockerImage, optional The pre-existing DockerImage instance to adopt. i.e., you may construct your own Docker Image using ``` d = cloudknot.DockerImage(*args) ``` and then supply that docker image as a keyword arg using ``` knot = cloudknot.Knot(..., docker_image=d) ``` base_image : string Docker base image on which to base this Dockerfile. You may not specify both docker_image and base_image. Default: None will use the python base image for the current version of python func : function Python function to be dockerized image_script_path : str Path to file with python script to be dockerized image_work_dir : string Directory to store Dockerfile, requirements.txt, and python script with CLI Default: parent directory of script if `script_path` is provided else DockerImage creates a new directory, accessible by the `docker_image.build_path` property. image_github_installs : string or sequence of strings Github addresses for packages to install from github rather than PyPI (e.g. git:// or git:// Default: () username : string default username created in Dockerfile and in batch job definition Default: 'cloudknot-user' repo_name : str, optional Name of the AWS ECR repository to store the created Docker image Default: return value of cloudknot.get_ecr_repo() image_tags : str or sequence of str Tags to be applied to this Docker image no_image_cache : bool If True, do not use image cache for Docker build. This forces a rebuild of the image even if it already exists. Default: False job_definition_name : str, optional Name for this knot's AWS Batch job definition Default: name + '-ck-jd' job_def_vcpus : int, optional number of virtual cpus to be used to this knot's job definition Default: 1 memory : int, optional memory (MiB) to be used for this knot's job definition Default: 8000 n_gpus : int, optional number of GPUs to be used for this knot's job definition Default: 0 retries : int, optional number of times a job can be moved to 'RUNNABLE' status. May be between 1 and 10 Default: 1 compute_environment_name : str Name for this knot's AWS Batch compute environment Default: name + '-ck-ce' instance_types : string or sequence of strings, optional Compute environment instance types Default: ('optimal',) min_vcpus : int, optional minimum number of virtual cpus for instances launched in this compute environment Default: 0 max_vcpus : int, optional maximum number of virtual cpus for instances launched in this compute environment Default: 256 desired_vcpus : int, optional desired number of virtual cpus for instances launched in this compute environment Default: 8 volume_size : int, optional the size (in GiB) of the Amazon EBS volumes used for instances launched by AWS Batch. If not provided, cloudknot will use the default Amazon ECS-optimized AMI version based on Amazon Linux 1, which has an 8-GiB root volume and an additional 22-GiB volume used for the Docker image. If provided, cloudknot will use the ECS-optimized AMI based on Amazon Linux 2 and increase the attached volume size to the value of `volume_size`. If this parameter is provided, you may not specify the `image_id`. image_id : string or None, optional optional AMI id used for instances launched in this compute environment Default: None ec2_key_pair : string or None, optional optional EC2 key pair used for instances launched in this compute environment Default: None bid_percentage : int, optional Compute environment bid percentage if using spot instances Default: None, which means that on-demand instances are provisioned. job_queue_name : str, optional Name for this knot's AWS Batch job queue Default: name + '-ck-jq' priority : int, optional Default priority for jobs in this knot's job queue Default: 1 aws_resource_tags : dict or list of dicts Additional AWS resource tags to apply to this repository """ # Validate name input if name is not None and not isinstance(name, str): raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "Knot name must be a string. You passed a " "{t!s}".format(t=type(name)) ) if name is None: name = aws.get_user() + "-default" if len(name) > 55: raise aws.CloudknotInputError("Knot name must be less than 56 characters.") super(Knot, self).__init__(name=name) self._knot_name = "knot " + name # Validate aws_resource_tags input before creating any resources self._tags = aws.get_tags(name=name, additional_tags=aws_resource_tags) image_tags = image_tags if image_tags else [name] # Check for existence of this knot in the config file config = configparser.ConfigParser() with rlock: if self._knot_name in config.sections(): if any( [ pars, pars_policies, docker_image, base_image, func, image_script_path, image_work_dir, username, repo_name, job_definition_name, job_def_vcpus, memory, n_gpus, retries, compute_environment_name, instance_types, min_vcpus, max_vcpus, desired_vcpus, volume_size, image_id, ec2_key_pair, bid_percentage, job_queue_name, priority, ] ): mod_logger.warning( "You specified configuration arguments for a knot that " "already exists. Cloudknot has returned the pre-existing " "knot, ignoring all of your other input parameters, which " "may or may not be the same. You should proceed with " "caution and confirm that this knot's parameters are as " "expected. If you want to be extra-safe, choose a " "different name or clobber this pre-existing knot and " "instantiate a new one with your input arguments." )"Found knot {name:s} in config".format(name=name)) self._region = config.get(self._knot_name, "region") self._profile = config.get(self._knot_name, "profile") self.check_profile_and_region() pars_name = config.get(self._knot_name, "pars") self._pars = Pars(name=pars_name) "Knot {name:s} adopted PARS " "{p:s}".format(, ) image_name = config.get(self._knot_name, "docker-image") self._docker_image = dockerimage.DockerImage(name=image_name) "Knot {name:s} adopted docker image {dr:s}" "".format(, dr=image_name) ) if not self.docker_image.images:, nocache=no_image_cache) "knot {name:s} built docker image {i!s}" "".format(, i=self.docker_image.images) ) if self.docker_image.repo_uri is None: repo_name = config.get(self._knot_name, "docker-repo") self._docker_repo = aws.DockerRepo(name=repo_name) "Knot {name:s} adopted docker repository " "{dr:s}".format(, dr=repo_name) ) self.docker_image.push(repo=self.docker_repo) "Knot {name:s} pushed docker image {dr:s}" "".format(, ) else: self._docker_repo = None self._stack_id = config.get(self._knot_name, "stack-id") if not is_valid_stack(self._stack_id): # Remove this section from the config file with rlock: config.remove_section(self._knot_name) with open(get_config_file(), "w") as f: config.write(f) raise aws.ResourceDoesNotExistException( "The Knot cloudformation stack that you requested " "does not exist. Cloudknot has deleted this Knot from " "the config file, so you may be able to create a new " "one simply by re-running your previous command.", self._stack_id, ) response = aws.clients["cloudformation"].describe_stacks( StackName=self._stack_id ) outs = response.get("Stacks")[0]["Outputs"] job_def_arn = _stack_out("JobDefinition", outs) response = aws.clients["batch"].describe_job_definitions( jobDefinitions=[job_def_arn] ) job_def = response.get("jobDefinitions")[0] job_def_name = job_def["jobDefinitionName"] job_def_env = job_def["containerProperties"]["environment"] bucket_env = [ env for env in job_def_env if env["name"] == "CLOUDKNOT_JOBS_S3_BUCKET" ] output_bucket = bucket_env[0]["value"] if bucket_env else None job_def_retries = job_def["retryStrategy"]["attempts"] JobDef = namedtuple("JobDef", ["name", "arn", "output_bucket", "retries"]) self._job_definition = JobDef( name=job_def_name, arn=job_def_arn, output_bucket=output_bucket, retries=job_def_retries, ) self._compute_environment = _stack_out("ComputeEnvironment", outs) self._job_queue = _stack_out("JobQueue", outs) conf_jd = config.get(self._knot_name, "job-definition") conf_ce = config.get(self._knot_name, "compute-environment") conf_jq = config.get(self._knot_name, "job-queue") if not all( [ self._job_definition.arn == conf_jd, self._compute_environment == conf_ce, self._job_queue == conf_jq, ] ): raise aws.CloudknotConfigurationError( "The resources in the CloudFormation stack do not match " "the resources in the cloudknot configuration file. " "Please try a different name." ) self._job_ids = config.get(self._knot_name, "job_ids").split() self._jobs = [aws.BatchJob(job_id=jid) for jid in self.job_ids] else: if pars and not isinstance(pars, Pars): raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "if provided, pars must be a " "Pars instance." ) if docker_image and any( [ func, image_script_path, image_work_dir, base_image, image_github_installs, ] ): raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "you gave redundant, possibly conflicting input: " "`docker_image` and one of [`func`, `base_image`, " "`image_script_path`, `image_work_dir`, " "`image_github_installs`]" ) if docker_image and not isinstance(docker_image, dockerimage.DockerImage): raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "docker_image must be a cloudknot DockerImage instance." ) # Validate names for job def, job queue, and compute environment job_definition_name = ( job_definition_name if job_definition_name else name + "-ck-jd" ) compute_environment_name = ( compute_environment_name if compute_environment_name else name + "-ck-ce" ) job_queue_name = job_queue_name if job_queue_name else name + "-ck-jq" # Validate job_def_vcpus input if job_def_vcpus: cpus = int(job_def_vcpus) if cpus < 1: raise aws.CloudknotInputError("vcpus must be positive") else: job_def_vcpus = cpus else: job_def_vcpus = 1 # Set default memory try: memory = int(memory) if memory is not None else 8000 if memory < 1: raise aws.CloudknotInputError("memory must be positive") except ValueError: raise aws.CloudknotInputError("memory must be an integer") # Set default n_gpus try: n_gpus = int(n_gpus) if n_gpus is not None else 0 if n_gpus < 0: raise aws.CloudknotInputError("n_gpus must non-negative") except ValueError: raise aws.CloudknotInputError("n_gpus must be an integer") # Validate retries input try: retries = int(retries) if retries is not None else 1 if retries < 1: raise aws.CloudknotInputError("retries must be > 0") elif retries > 10: raise aws.CloudknotInputError("retries must be < 10") except ValueError: raise aws.CloudknotInputError("retries must be an integer") # Validate priority try: priority = int(priority) if priority is not None else 1 if priority < 1: raise aws.CloudknotInputError("priority must be positive") except ValueError: raise aws.CloudknotInputError("priority must be an integer") # Set resource type, default to 'EC2' unless bid_percentage # is provided if bid_percentage is not None: resource_type = "SPOT" else: resource_type = "EC2" min_vcpus = int(min_vcpus) if min_vcpus else 0 if min_vcpus < 0: raise aws.CloudknotInputError("min_vcpus must be non-negative") if min_vcpus > 0: mod_logger.warning( "min_vcpus is greater than zero. This means that your " "compute environment will maintain some EC2 vCPUs, " "regardless of job demand, potentially resulting in " "unnecessary AWS charges. We strongly recommend using " "a compute environment with min_vcpus set to zero." ) # Validate desired_vcpus input, default to 8 desired_vcpus = int(desired_vcpus) if desired_vcpus is not None else 8 if desired_vcpus < 0: raise aws.CloudknotInputError("desired_vcpus must be " "non-negative") # Validate max_vcpus, default to 256 max_vcpus = int(max_vcpus) if max_vcpus is not None else 256 if max_vcpus < 0: raise aws.CloudknotInputError("max_vcpus must be non-negative") if volume_size is not None and image_id is not None: raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "If you provide volume_size, you cannot specify the image_id" ) if volume_size is not None: if not isinstance(volume_size, int): raise aws.CloudknotInputError("volume_size must be an integer.") if not volume_size > 0: raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "volume_size must be greater than zero." ) # Default instance type is 'optimal' instance_types = instance_types if instance_types else ["optimal"] if isinstance(instance_types, str): instance_types = [instance_types] elif all(isinstance(x, str) for x in instance_types): instance_types = list(instance_types) else: raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "instance_types must be a string or a " "sequence of strings." ) # Validate instance types valid_instance_types = set(["optimal"]).union(_ec2_instance_types()) if not set(instance_types) < valid_instance_types: raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "instance_types must be a subset of {types!s}".format( types=valid_instance_types ) ) if bid_percentage is not None: bid_percentage = int(bid_percentage) if bid_percentage < 0: bid_percentage = 0 elif bid_percentage > 100: bid_percentage = 100 # Validate image_id input if image_id is not None: if not isinstance(image_id, str): raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "if provided, image_id must " "be a string" ) # Validate ec2_key_pair input if ec2_key_pair is not None: if not isinstance(ec2_key_pair, str): raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "if provided, ec2_key_pair must be a string" ) def set_pars(knot_name, input_pars, pars_policies_): # Validate and set the PARS if input_pars: pars_ = input_pars "knot {name:s} adopted PARS {p:s}".format( name=knot_name, ) ) pars_cleanup_ = False else: try: pars_ = Pars(name=knot_name, policies=pars_policies_) except aws.CannotCreateResourceException: pars_ = Pars( name=knot_name, policies=pars_policies_, use_default_vpc=False, ) "knot {name:s} created PARS {p:s}".format( name=knot_name, ) ) pars_cleanup_ = True return pars_, pars_cleanup_ def set_dockerimage( knot_name, input_docker_image, func_, script_path, work_dir, base_image_, github_installs, username_, tags, no_image_cache_, repo_name_, ): if input_docker_image: di = input_docker_image "Knot {name:s} adopted docker image {i:s}" "".format(name=knot_name, ) else: # Create and build the docker image di = dockerimage.DockerImage( func=func_, script_path=script_path, dir_name=work_dir, base_image=base_image_, github_installs=github_installs, username=username_, ) if not di.images:, nocache=no_image_cache) "knot {name:s} built docker image {i!s}" "".format(name=knot_name, i=di.images) ) if di.repo_uri is None: # Create the remote repo repo_name_ = repo_name_ if repo_name_ else aws.get_ecr_repo() # Later in __init__, we may abort this init because of # inconsistent job def, compute env, or job queue # parameters. If we do that, we don't want to leave a # bunch of newly created resources around so keep track of # whether this repo was created or adopted. if config.has_option("docker-repos", repo_name_): # Pre-existing repo, no cleanup necessary repo_cleanup_ = False elif repo_name_ == aws.get_ecr_repo(): repo_cleanup_ = False else: # Freshly created repo, cleanup necessary repo_cleanup_ = True dr = aws.DockerRepo(name=repo_name_) "knot {name:s} created/adopted docker repo " "{r:s}".format(name=knot_name, ) # Push to remote repo di.push(repo=dr) "knot {name:s} pushed it's docker image to the repo " "{r:s}".format(name=knot_name, ) else: repo_cleanup_ = False dr = None return di, dr, repo_cleanup_ # Set default username username = str(username) if username else "cloudknot-user" executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(3) futures = { "pars": executor.submit( set_pars,, input_pars=pars, pars_policies_=pars_policies, ), "docker-image": executor.submit( set_dockerimage,, input_docker_image=docker_image, func_=func, script_path=image_script_path, work_dir=image_work_dir, base_image_=base_image, github_installs=image_github_installs, username_=username, tags=image_tags, no_image_cache_=no_image_cache, repo_name_=repo_name, ), } self._pars, pars_cleanup = futures["pars"].result() self._docker_image, self._docker_repo, repo_cleanup = futures[ "docker-image" ].result() executor.shutdown() repo_uri = self.docker_image.repo_uri output_bucket = aws.get_s3_params().bucket response = aws.clients["cloudformation"].describe_stacks( ) pars_stack_name = response.get("Stacks")[0]["StackName"] params = [ {"ParameterKey": "ParsStackName", "ParameterValue": pars_stack_name}, {"ParameterKey": "DockerImage", "ParameterValue": repo_uri}, {"ParameterKey": "JdName", "ParameterValue": job_definition_name}, {"ParameterKey": "JdvCpus", "ParameterValue": str(job_def_vcpus)}, {"ParameterKey": "JdMemory", "ParameterValue": str(memory)}, {"ParameterKey": "JdGpus", "ParameterValue": str(n_gpus)}, {"ParameterKey": "JdUser", "ParameterValue": username}, {"ParameterKey": "JdOutputBucket", "ParameterValue": output_bucket}, {"ParameterKey": "JdRetries", "ParameterValue": str(retries)}, {"ParameterKey": "JqName", "ParameterValue": job_queue_name}, {"ParameterKey": "JqPriority", "ParameterValue": str(priority)}, {"ParameterKey": "CeName", "ParameterValue": compute_environment_name}, {"ParameterKey": "CeResourceType", "ParameterValue": resource_type}, {"ParameterKey": "CeMinvCpus", "ParameterValue": str(min_vcpus)}, {"ParameterKey": "CeTagNameValue", "ParameterValue":}, {"ParameterKey": "CeTagOwnerValue", "ParameterValue": aws.get_user()}, { "ParameterKey": "CeTagEnvironmentValue", "ParameterValue": "cloudknot", }, { "ParameterKey": "CeDesiredvCpus", "ParameterValue": str(desired_vcpus), }, {"ParameterKey": "CeMaxvCpus", "ParameterValue": str(max_vcpus)}, { "ParameterKey": "CeInstanceTypes", "ParameterValue": ",".join(instance_types), }, ] if resource_type == "SPOT": params.append( { "ParameterKey": "CeBidPercentage", "ParameterValue": str(bid_percentage), } ) if image_id is not None: params.append({"ParameterKey": "CeAmiId", "ParameterValue": image_id}) if ec2_key_pair is not None: params.append( {"ParameterKey": "CeEc2KeyPair", "ParameterValue": ec2_key_pair} ) if volume_size is not None: params.append( {"ParameterKey": "LtVolumeSize", "ParameterValue": str(volume_size)} ) params.append( {"ParameterKey": "LtName", "ParameterValue": name + "-ck-lt"} ) # Set the image id to use the ECS-optimized Amazon Linux # 2 image # First, determine if we're running in moto for CI # by retrieving the account ID user = aws.clients["iam"].get_user()["User"] account_id = user["Arn"].split(":")[4] if account_id == "123456789012": response = aws.clients["ec2"].describe_images() else: response = aws.clients["ec2"].describe_images(Owners=["amazon"]) ecs_optimized_images = sorted( [ image for image in response["Images"] if image.get("Description") is not None and "amazon linux ami 2" in image["Description"].lower() and "x86_64 ecs hvm gp2" in image["Description"].lower() and "gpu" not in image["Name"].lower() and len(image["BlockDeviceMappings"]) == 1 ], key=lambda image: image["CreationDate"], reverse=True, ) image_id = ecs_optimized_images[0]["ImageId"] params.append({"ParameterKey": "CeAmiId", "ParameterValue": image_id}) template_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates", "batch-environment-increase-ebs-volume.template", ) ) else: template_path = os.path.abspath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "templates", "batch-environment.template", ) ) if n_gpus > 0: template_path = template_path.replace( "batch-environment-", "batch-environment-gpu-" ) with open(template_path, "r") as fp: template_body = response = aws.clients["cloudformation"].create_stack( + "-knot", TemplateBody=template_body, Parameters=params, Capabilities=["CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM"], Tags=self.tags, ) self._stack_id = response["StackId"] waiter = aws.clients["cloudformation"].get_waiter("stack_create_complete") waiter.wait(StackName=self._stack_id, WaiterConfig={"Delay": 10}) response = aws.clients["cloudformation"].describe_stacks( StackName=self._stack_id ) outs = response.get("Stacks")[0]["Outputs"] job_def_arn = _stack_out("JobDefinition", outs) response = aws.clients["batch"].describe_job_definitions( jobDefinitions=[job_def_arn] ) job_def = response.get("jobDefinitions")[0] job_def_name = job_def["jobDefinitionName"] job_def_env = job_def["containerProperties"]["environment"] bucket_env = [ e for e in job_def_env if e["name"] == "CLOUDKNOT_JOBS_S3_BUCKET" ] if bucket_env: job_def_output_bucket = bucket_env[0]["value"] else: job_def_output_bucket = None job_def_retries = job_def["retryStrategy"]["attempts"] if not all( [job_def_output_bucket == output_bucket, job_def_retries == retries] ): raise aws.CloudknotConfigurationError( "The job definition parameters in the AWS CloudFormation " "stack do not match the input parameters." ) JobDef = namedtuple("JobDef", ["name", "arn", "output_bucket", "retries"]) self._job_definition = JobDef( name=job_def_name, arn=job_def_arn, output_bucket=output_bucket, retries=retries, ) self._compute_environment = _stack_out("ComputeEnvironment", outs) self._job_queue = _stack_out("JobQueue", outs) self._jobs = [] self._job_ids = [] # Save the new Knot resources in config object # Use config.set() for python 2.7 compatibility config = configparser.ConfigParser() with rlock: config.add_section(self._knot_name) config.set(self._knot_name, "region", self.region) config.set(self._knot_name, "profile", self.profile) config.set(self._knot_name, "stack-id", self.stack_id) config.set(self._knot_name, "pars", config.set(self._knot_name, "docker-image", config.set( self._knot_name, "docker-repo", if self.docker_repo else "None", ) config.set(self._knot_name, "job-definition", self.job_definition.arn) config.set( self._knot_name, "compute-environment", self.compute_environment ) config.set(self._knot_name, "job-queue", self.job_queue) config.set(self._knot_name, "job_ids", "") # Save config to file with open(get_config_file(), "w") as f: config.write(f) # Declare read-only properties @property def knot_name(self): """Return section name for this knot in the cloudknot config file.""" return self._knot_name @property def tags(self): """Return AWS resource tags for this stack and all of its constituent resources.""" return self._tags @property def stack_id(self): """Return Cloudformation Stack ID for this knot.""" return self._stack_id @property def pars(self): """Return Pars instance attached to this knot.""" return self._pars @property def docker_image(self): """Return DockerImage instance attached to this knot.""" return self._docker_image @property def docker_repo(self): """Return DockerRepo instance attached to this knot.""" return self._docker_repo @property def job_definition(self): """Return namedtuple describing the job definition attached to this knot. The fields are 'name', 'arn', 'output_bucket', and 'retries' """ return self._job_definition @property def job_queue(self): """Return job queue ARN for this knot.""" return self._job_queue @property def compute_environment(self): """Return compute environment ARN for this knot.""" return self._compute_environment @property def jobs(self): """List BatchJob instances that this knot has launched.""" return self._jobs @property def job_ids(self): """List batch job IDs that this knot has launched.""" return self._job_ids def map( self, iterdata, env_vars=None, max_threads=64, starmap=False, job_type=None ): """Submit batch jobs for a range of commands and environment vars. Each item of `iterdata` is assumed to be a single input for the python function in this knot's docker image. If your function takes multiple arguments, pre-zip the arguments into a tuple, so that iterdata is an iterable of tuples, and set `starmap=True`. map returns a list of futures, which can return their result when the jobs are complete. Parameters ---------- iterdata : An iteratable of input data env_vars : sequence of dicts Additional environment variables for the Batch environment Each dict must have only 'name' and 'value' keys. The same environment variables are applied for each item in `iterdata`. Default: None max_threads : int Maximum number of threads used to invoke. Default: 64 starmap : bool If True, assume argument parameters are already grouped in tuples from a single iterable. This behavior is similar to `itertools.starmap()`. If False, assume argument parameters have not been "pre-zipped". Then the behavior is similar to python's built-in `map()` method. job_type : string, 'array' or 'independent' Type of batch job to submit. If 'array', then an array job is submitted (see with one child job for each input element and map returns one future for the entire results list. If job_type is 'independent' then one independent batch job is submitted for each input element and map returns a list of futures for each element of the results. If the length of ``iterdata`` is one and job_type is specified, it must be "independent." Default: 'array' Returns ------- map : future or list of futures If `job_type` is 'array', a future for the list of results. If `job_type` is 'independent', list of futures for each job """ if job_type is None: if len(iterdata) == 1: job_type = "independent" else: job_type = "array" if job_type not in ["array", "independent"]: raise ValueError("`job_type` must be 'array' or 'independent'.") if self.clobbered: raise aws.ResourceClobberedException( "This Knot has already been clobbered.", ) self.check_profile_and_region() if not isinstance(iterdata, Iterable): raise TypeError("iterdata must be an iterable.") # env_vars should be a sequence of sequences of dicts if env_vars and not all(isinstance(s, dict) for s in env_vars): raise aws.CloudknotInputError("env_vars must be a sequence of " "dicts") # and each dict should have only 'name' and 'value' keys if env_vars and not all(set(d.keys()) == {"name", "value"} for d in env_vars): raise aws.CloudknotInputError( "each dict in env_vars must have " 'keys "name" and "value"' ) these_jobs = [] if job_type == "independent": for input_ in iterdata: job = aws.BatchJob( input_=input_, starmap=starmap, name="{n:s}-{i:d}".format(, i=len(self.job_ids)), job_queue=self.job_queue, job_definition=self.job_definition, environment_variables=env_vars, array_job=False, ) these_jobs.append(job) self._jobs.append(job) self._job_ids.append(job.job_id) else: job = aws.BatchJob( input_=iterdata, starmap=starmap, name="{n:s}-{i:d}".format(, i=len(self.job_ids)), job_queue=self.job_queue, job_definition=self.job_definition, environment_variables=env_vars, array_job=True, ) these_jobs.append(job) self._jobs.append(job) self._job_ids.append(job.job_id) if not these_jobs: return [] config = configparser.ConfigParser() with rlock: config.set(self._knot_name, "job_ids", " ".join(self.job_ids)) # Save config to file with open(get_config_file(), "w") as f: config.write(f) # Increase the max_pool_connections in the boto3 clients to prevent # aws.refresh_clients(max_pool=max_threads) executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max(min(len(these_jobs), max_threads), 2)) futures = [executor.submit(lambda j: j.result(), jb) for jb in these_jobs] # Shutdown the executor but do not wait to return the futures executor.shutdown(wait=False) if job_type == "independent": return futures else: return futures[0] def view_jobs(self): """Print the job_id, name, and status of all jobs in""" if self.clobbered: raise aws.ResourceClobberedException( "This Knot has already been clobbered.", ) self.check_profile_and_region() order = { "SUBMITTED": 0, "PENDING": 1, "RUNNABLE": 2, "STARTING": 3, "RUNNING": 4, "FAILED": 5, "SUCCEEDED": 6, } response = aws.clients["batch"].describe_jobs(jobs=self.job_ids) sorted_jobs = sorted(response.get("jobs"), key=lambda j: order[j["status"]]) fmt = "{jobId:12s} {jobName:20s} {status:9s}" header = fmt.format(jobId="Job ID", jobName="Name", status="Status") print(header) print("-" * len(header)) for job in sorted_jobs: print(fmt.format(**job)) def clobber(self, clobber_pars=False, clobber_repo=False, clobber_image=False): """Delete associated AWS resources and remove section from config. Parameters ---------- clobber_pars : boolean If true, clobber the associated Pars instance Default: False clobber_repo : boolean If true, clobber the associated DockerRepo instance Default: False clobber_image : boolean If true, clobber the associated DockerImage instance Default: False """ if self.clobbered: return self.check_profile_and_region() # Delete all associated AWS resources with ThreadPoolExecutor(32) as e: # Iterate over copy of since we are # removing from the list while iterating for job in list( e.submit(job.clobber) self._jobs.remove(job) aws.clients["cloudformation"].delete_stack(StackName=self._stack_id) if clobber_repo: dr = self.docker_repo if dr and != aws.get_ecr_repo(): # if the docker repo instance exists and it is not the # default cloudknot ECR repo, then clobber it self.docker_repo.clobber() else: # Either the repo instance is unavailable or this is in # the default cloudknot ECR repo. uri = self.docker_image.repo_uri repo_name = uri.split("")[-1].split(":")[0] if repo_name == aws.get_ecr_repo(): # This is in the default ECR repo. So just delete the # image from the remote repo, leaving other images # untouched. registry_id = uri.split(".")[0] tag = uri.split(":")[-1] aws.clients["ecr"].batch_delete_image( registryId=registry_id, repositoryName=repo_name, imageIds=[{"imageTag": tag}], ) else: # This is not the default repo, feel free to clobber repo = aws.DockerRepo(name=repo_name) repo.clobber() if clobber_image: self.docker_image.clobber() if clobber_pars: waiter = aws.clients["cloudformation"].get_waiter("stack_delete_complete") waiter.wait(StackName=self.stack_id, WaiterConfig={"Delay": 10}) # Remove this section from the config file config = configparser.ConfigParser() with rlock: config.remove_section(self._knot_name) with open(get_config_file(), "w") as f: config.write(f) # Set the clobbered parameter to True, # preventing subsequent method calls self._clobbered = True"Clobbered Knot {name:s}".format(