Source code for

import boto3
import botocore
import configparser
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import uuid

    from import namedtuple
except ImportError:
    from collections import namedtuple

from ..config import get_config_file, rlock

__all__ = [
mod_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def get_tags(name, additional_tags=None):
    tag_list = []
    if additional_tags is not None:
        if isinstance(additional_tags, list):
            if not all(
                [set(item.keys()) == set(["Key", "Value"]) for item in additional_tags]
                raise ValueError(
                    "If additional_tags is a list, it must be a list of "
                    "dictionaries of the form {'Key': key_val, 'Value': "
            tag_list += additional_tags
        elif isinstance(additional_tags, dict):
            if "Key" in additional_tags.keys() or "Value" in additional_tags.keys():
                raise ValueError(
                    "If additional_tags is a dict, it cannot contain keys named 'Key' or "
                    "'Value'. It looks like you are trying to pass in tags of the form "
                    "{'Key': key_val, 'Value': value_val}. If that's the case, please put "
                    "it in a list, i.e. [{'Key': key_val, 'Value': value_val}]."
            tag_list = [{"Key": k, "Value": v} for k, v in additional_tags.items()]
            raise ValueError(
                "additional_tags must be a dictionary or a list of dictionaries."

    if not [tag for tag in tag_list if tag["Key"] == "Name"]:
        tag_list.append({"Key": "Name", "Value": name})

    if not [tag for tag in tag_list if tag["Key"] == "Owner"]:
        tag_list.append({"Key": "Owner", "Value": get_user()})

    if not [tag for tag in tag_list if tag["Key"] == "Environment"]:
        tag_list.append({"Key": "Environment", "Value": "cloudknot"})

    return tag_list

def get_ecr_repo():
    """Get the cloudknot ECR repository

    First, check the cloudknot config file for the ecr-repo option.
    If that fails, check for the CLOUDKNOT_ECR_REPO environment variable.
    If that fails, use 'cloudknot'

    repo : string
        Cloudknot ECR repository name
    config_file = get_config_file()
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    with rlock:

        option = "ecr-repo"
        if config.has_section("aws") and config.has_option("aws", option):
            repo = config.get("aws", option)
            # Set `repo`, the fallback repo in case the cloudknot
            # repo environment variable is not set
                # Get the region from an environment variable
                repo = os.environ["CLOUDKNOT_ECR_REPO"]
            except KeyError:
                repo = "cloudknot"

        # Use set_ecr_repo to check for name availability
        # and write to config file

    return repo

def set_ecr_repo(repo):
    """Set the cloudknot ECR repo

    Set repo by modifying the cloudknot config file

    repo : string
        Cloudknot ECR repo name
    # Update the config file
    config_file = get_config_file()
    config = configparser.ConfigParser()

    with rlock:

        if not config.has_section("aws"):  # pragma: nocover

        config.set("aws", "ecr-repo", repo)
        with open(config_file, "w") as f:

        # Flake8 will see that repo_arn is set in the try/except clauses
        # and claim that we are referencing it before assignment below
        # so we predefine it here. Also, it should be predefined as a
        # string to pass parameter validation by boto.
        repo_arn = "test"
            # If repo exists, retrieve its info
            response = clients["ecr"].describe_repositories(repositoryNames=[repo])
            repo_arn = response["repositories"][0]["repositoryArn"]
        except clients["ecr"].exceptions.RepositoryNotFoundException:
            # If it doesn't exists already, then create it
            response = clients["ecr"].create_repository(repositoryName=repo)
            repo_arn = response["repository"]["repositoryArn"]
        except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
            error_code = e.response["Error"]["Code"]
            if error_code == "RepositoryNotFoundException":
                # If it doesn't exist already, then create it
                response = clients["ecr"].create_repository(repositoryName=repo)
                repo_arn = response["repository"]["repositoryArn"]

                    name=repo, additional_tags={"Project": "Cloudknot global config"}
        except NotImplementedError as e:
            moto_msg = "The tag_resource action has not been implemented"
            if moto_msg in e.args:
                # This exception is here for compatibility with moto
                # testing since the tag_resource action has not been
                # implemented in moto. Simply move on.
                raise e

[docs]def get_s3_params(): """Get the cloudknot S3 bucket and corresponding access policy For the bucket name, first check the cloudknot config file for the bucket option. If that fails, check for the CLOUDKNOT_S3_BUCKET environment variable. If that fails, use 'cloudknot-' + get_user().lower() + '-' + uuid4() For the policy name, first check the cloudknot config file. If that fails, use 'cloudknot-bucket-access-' + str(uuid.uuid4()) For the region, first check the cloudknot config file. If that fails, use the current cloudknot region Returns ------- bucket : NamedTuple A namedtuple with fields ['bucket', 'policy', 'policy_arn', 'sse'] """ config_file = get_config_file() config = configparser.ConfigParser() BucketInfo = namedtuple("BucketInfo", ["bucket", "policy", "policy_arn", "sse"]) with rlock: option = "s3-bucket-policy" if config.has_section("aws") and config.has_option("aws", option): # Get policy name from the config file policy = config.get("aws", option) else: # or set policy to None to create it in the call to # set_s3_params() policy = None option = "s3-bucket" if config.has_section("aws") and config.has_option("aws", option): bucket = config.get("aws", option) else: try: # Get the bucket name from an environment variable bucket = os.environ["CLOUDKNOT_S3_BUCKET"] except KeyError: # Use the fallback bucket b/c the cloudknot # bucket environment variable is not set bucket = "cloudknot-" + get_user().lower() + "-" + str(uuid.uuid4()) if policy is not None: # In this case, the bucket name is new, but the policy is not. # Update the policy to reflect the new bucket name. update_s3_policy(policy=policy, bucket=bucket) option = "s3-sse" if config.has_section("aws") and config.has_option("aws", option): sse = config.get("aws", option) if sse not in ["AES256", "aws:kms", "None"]: raise CloudknotInputError( 'The server-side encryption option "sse" must must be ' 'one of ["AES256", "aws:kms", "None"]' ) else: sse = None if sse == "None": sse = None # Use set_s3_params to check for name availability # and write to config file bucket = bucket.replace("_", "-") # S3 does not allow underscores set_s3_params(bucket=bucket, policy=policy, sse=sse) if policy is None: policy = config.get("aws", "s3-bucket-policy") # Get all local policies with cloudknot prefix paginator = clients["iam"].get_paginator("list_policies") response_iterator = paginator.paginate(Scope="Local", PathPrefix="/cloudknot/") # response_iterator is a list of dicts. First convert to list of lists # and then flatten to a single list response_policies = [response["Policies"] for response in response_iterator] policies = [lst for sublist in response_policies for lst in sublist] aws_policies = {d["PolicyName"]: d["Arn"] for d in policies} policy_arn = aws_policies[policy] return BucketInfo(bucket=bucket, policy=policy, policy_arn=policy_arn, sse=sse)
[docs]def set_s3_params(bucket, policy=None, sse=None): """Set the cloudknot S3 bucket Set bucket by modifying the cloudknot config file Parameters ---------- bucket : string Cloudknot S3 bucket name policy : string Cloudknot S3 bucket access policy name Default: None means that cloudknot will create a new policy sse : string S3 server side encryption method. If provided, must be one of ['AES256', 'aws:kms']. Default: None """ if sse is not None and sse not in ["AES256", "aws:kms"]: raise CloudknotInputError( 'The server-side encryption option "sse" ' 'must be one of ["AES256", "aws:kms"]' ) # Update the config file config_file = get_config_file() config = configparser.ConfigParser() def test_bucket_put_get(bucket_, sse_): key = "cloudnot-test-permissions-key" try: if sse_: clients["s3"].put_object( Bucket=bucket_, Body=b"test", Key=key, ServerSideEncryption=sse_ ) else: clients["s3"].put_object(Bucket=bucket_, Body=b"test", Key=key) clients["s3"].get_object(Bucket=bucket_, Key=key) except clients["s3"].exceptions.ClientError: raise CloudknotInputError( "The requested bucket name already " "exists and you do not have permission " "to put or get objects in it." ) try: clients["s3"].delete_object(Bucket=bucket_, Key=key) except Exception: pass with rlock: if not config.has_section("aws"): # pragma: nocover config.add_section("aws") config.set("aws", "s3-bucket", bucket) # Create the bucket try: if get_region() == "us-east-1": clients["s3"].create_bucket(Bucket=bucket) else: clients["s3"].create_bucket( Bucket=bucket, CreateBucketConfiguration={"LocationConstraint": get_region()}, ) except clients["s3"].exceptions.BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou: pass except clients["s3"].exceptions.BucketAlreadyExists: test_bucket_put_get(bucket, sse) except clients["s3"].exceptions.ClientError as e: # Check for Illegal Location Constraint error_code = e.response["Error"]["Code"] if error_code in [ "IllegalLocationConstraintException", "InvalidLocationConstraint", ]: response = clients["s3"].get_bucket_location(Bucket=bucket) location = response.get("LocationConstraint") try: if location == "us-east-1" or location is None: clients["s3"].create_bucket(Bucket=bucket) else: clients["s3"].create_bucket( Bucket=bucket, CreateBucketConfiguration={"LocationConstraint": location}, ) except clients["s3"].exceptions.BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou: pass except clients["s3"].exceptions.BucketAlreadyExists: test_bucket_put_get(bucket, sse) else: # Pass exception to user raise e # Add the cloudknot tags to the bucket clients["s3"].put_bucket_tagging( Bucket=bucket, Tagging={ "TagSet": get_tags( name=bucket, additional_tags={"Project": "Cloudknot global config"} ) }, ) if policy is None: policy = "cloudknot-bucket-access-" + str(uuid.uuid4()) try: # Create the policy s3_policy_doc = bucket_policy_document(bucket) clients["iam"].create_policy( PolicyName=policy, Path="/cloudknot/", PolicyDocument=json.dumps(s3_policy_doc), Description="Grants access to S3 bucket {0:s}" "".format(bucket), ) except clients["iam"].exceptions.EntityAlreadyExistsException: # Policy already exists, do nothing pass config.set("aws", "s3-bucket-policy", policy) config.set("aws", "s3-sse", str(sse)) with open(config_file, "w") as f: config.write(f)
def bucket_policy_document(bucket): """Return the policy document to access an S3 bucket Parameters ---------- bucket: string An Amazon S3 bucket name Returns ------- s3_policy_doc: dict A dictionary containing the AWS policy document """ # Add policy statements to access to cloudknot S3 bucket s3_policy_doc = { "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["s3:ListBucket"], "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::{0:s}".format(bucket)], }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": ["s3:PutObject", "s3:GetObject"], "Resource": ["arn:aws:s3:::{0:s}/*".format(bucket)], }, ], } return s3_policy_doc def update_s3_policy(policy, bucket): """Update the cloudknot S3 access policy with new bucket name Parameters ---------- policy: string Amazon S3 bucket access policy name bucket: string Amazon S3 bucket name """ s3_policy_doc = bucket_policy_document(bucket) # Get all local policies with cloudknot prefix paginator = clients["iam"].get_paginator("list_policies") response_iterator = paginator.paginate(Scope="Local", PathPrefix="/cloudknot/") # response_iterator is a list of dicts. First convert to list of lists # and then flatten to a single list response_policies = [response["Policies"] for response in response_iterator] policies = [lst for sublist in response_policies for lst in sublist] aws_policies = {d["PolicyName"]: d["Arn"] for d in policies} arn = aws_policies[policy] with rlock: try: # Update the policy clients["iam"].create_policy_version( PolicyArn=arn, PolicyDocument=json.dumps(s3_policy_doc), SetAsDefault=True, ) except clients["iam"].exceptions.LimitExceededException: # Too many policy versions. List policy versions and delete oldest paginator = clients["iam"].get_paginator("list_policy_versions") response_iterator = paginator.paginate(PolicyArn=arn) # Get non-default versions # response_iterator is a list of dicts. First convert to list of # lists. Then flatten to a single list and filter response_versions = [response["Versions"] for response in response_iterator] versions = [lst for sublist in response_versions for lst in sublist] versions = [v for v in versions if not v["IsDefaultVersion"]] # Get the oldest version and delete it oldest = sorted(versions, key=lambda ver: ver["CreateDate"])[0] clients["iam"].delete_policy_version( PolicyArn=arn, VersionId=oldest["VersionId"] ) # Update the policy not that there's room for another version clients["iam"].create_policy_version( PolicyArn=arn, PolicyDocument=json.dumps(s3_policy_doc), SetAsDefault=True, )
[docs]def get_region(): """Get the default AWS region First, check the cloudknot config file for the region option. If that fails, check for the AWS_DEFAULT_REGION environment variable. If that fails, use the region in the AWS (not cloudknot) config file. If that fails, use us-east-1. Returns ------- region : string default AWS region """ config_file = get_config_file() config = configparser.ConfigParser() with rlock: if config.has_section("aws") and config.has_option("aws", "region"): return config.get("aws", "region") else: # Set `region`, the fallback region in case the cloudknot # config file has no region set try: # Get the region from an environment variable region = os.environ["AWS_DEFAULT_REGION"] except KeyError: # Get the default region from the AWS config file home = os.path.expanduser("~") aws_config_file = os.path.join(home, ".aws", "config") fallback_region = "us-east-1" if os.path.isfile(aws_config_file): aws_config = configparser.ConfigParser() try: region = aws_config.get( "default", "region", fallback=fallback_region ) except TypeError: # pragma: nocover # python 2.7 compatibility region = aws_config.get("default", "region") region = region if region else fallback_region else: region = fallback_region if not config.has_section("aws"): config.add_section("aws") config.set("aws", "region", region) with open(config_file, "w") as f: config.write(f) return region
[docs]def set_region(region="us-east-1"): """Set the AWS region that cloudknot will use Set region by modifying the cloudknot config file and clients Parameters ---------- region : string An AWS region. Default: 'us-east-1' """ response = clients["ec2"].describe_regions() region_names = [d["RegionName"] for d in response.get("Regions")] if region not in region_names: raise CloudknotInputError( "`region` must be in {regions!s}".format(regions=region_names) ) config_file = get_config_file() config = configparser.ConfigParser() with rlock: if not config.has_section("aws"): # pragma: nocover config.add_section("aws") config.set("aws", "region", region) with open(config_file, "w") as f: config.write(f) # Update the boto3 clients so that the region change is reflected # throughout the package max_pool = clients["iam"].meta.config.max_pool_connections boto_config = botocore.config.Config(max_pool_connections=max_pool) profile_name = get_profile(fallback=None) session = boto3.Session( profile_name=profile_name if profile_name != "from-env" else None ) clients["batch"] = session.client( "batch", region_name=region, config=boto_config ) clients["cloudformation"] = session.client( "cloudformation", region_name=region, config=boto_config ) clients["ecr"] = session.client("ecr", region_name=region, config=boto_config) clients["ecs"] = session.client("ecs", region_name=region, config=boto_config) clients["ec2"] = session.client("ec2", region_name=region, config=boto_config) clients["iam"] = session.client("iam", region_name=region, config=boto_config) clients["s3"] = session.client("s3", region_name=region, config=boto_config) mod_logger.debug("Set region to {region:s}".format(region=region))
[docs]def list_profiles(): """Return a list of available AWS profile names Search the aws credentials file and the aws config file for profile names Returns ------- profile_names : namedtuple A named tuple with fields: `profile_names`, a list of AWS profiles in the aws config file and the aws shared credentials file; `credentials_file`, a path to the aws shared credentials file; and `aws_config_file`, a path to the aws config file """ aws = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".aws") try: # Get aws credentials file from environment variable env_file = os.environ["AWS_SHARED_CREDENTIALS_FILE"] credentials_file = os.path.abspath(env_file) except KeyError: # Fallback on default credentials file path credentials_file = os.path.join(aws, "credentials") try: # Get aws config file from environment variable env_file = os.environ["AWS_CONFIG_FILE"] aws_config_file = os.path.abspath(env_file) except KeyError: # Fallback on default aws config file path aws_config_file = os.path.join(aws, "config") credentials = configparser.ConfigParser() aws_config = configparser.ConfigParser() profile_names = [ s.split()[1] for s in aws_config.sections() if s.split()[0] == "profile" and len(s.split()) == 2 ] profile_names += credentials.sections() # define a namedtuple for return value type ProfileInfo = namedtuple( "ProfileInfo", ["profile_names", "credentials_file", "aws_config_file"] ) return ProfileInfo( profile_names=profile_names, credentials_file=credentials_file, aws_config_file=aws_config_file, )
def get_user(): user_info = clients["iam"].get_user().get("User") username = user_info.get("UserName") if username is None: username = user_info.get("Arn").split(":")[-1] return username
[docs]def get_profile(fallback="from-env"): """Get the AWS profile to use First, check the cloudknot config file for the profile option. If that fails, check for the AWS_PROFILE environment variable. If that fails, return 'default' if there is a default profile in AWS config or credentials files. If that fails, return the fallback value. Parameters ---------- fallback : The fallback value if get_profile cannot find an AWS profile. Default: 'from-env' Returns ------- profile_name : string An AWS profile listed in the aws config file or aws shared credentials file """ config_file = get_config_file() config = configparser.ConfigParser() with rlock: if config.has_section("aws") and config.has_option("aws", "profile"): return config.get("aws", "profile") else: # Set profile from environment variable try: profile = os.environ["AWS_PROFILE"] except KeyError: if "default" in list_profiles().profile_names: # Set profile in cloudknot config to 'default' profile = "default" else: return fallback if not config.has_section("aws"): config.add_section("aws") config.set("aws", "profile", profile) with open(config_file, "w") as f: config.write(f) return profile
[docs]def set_profile(profile_name): """Set the AWS profile that cloudknot will use Set profile by modifying the cloudknot config file and clients Parameters ---------- profile_name : string An AWS profile listed in the aws config file or aws shared credentials file """ profile_info = list_profiles() if not (profile_name in profile_info.profile_names or profile_name == "from-env"): raise CloudknotInputError( "The profile you specified does not exist in either the AWS " "config file at {conf:s} or the AWS shared credentials file at " "{cred:s}.".format( conf=profile_info.aws_config_file, cred=profile_info.credentials_file ) ) config_file = get_config_file() config = configparser.ConfigParser() with rlock: if not config.has_section("aws"): # pragma: nocover config.add_section("aws") config.set("aws", "profile", profile_name) with open(config_file, "w") as f: config.write(f) # Update the boto3 clients so that the profile change is reflected # throughout the package max_pool = clients["iam"].meta.config.max_pool_connections boto_config = botocore.config.Config(max_pool_connections=max_pool) session = boto3.Session( profile_name=profile_name if profile_name != "from-env" else None ) clients["batch"] = session.client( "batch", region_name=get_region(), config=boto_config ) clients["cloudformation"] = session.client( "cloudformation", region_name=get_region(), config=boto_config ) clients["ecr"] = session.client( "ecr", region_name=get_region(), config=boto_config ) clients["ecs"] = session.client( "ecs", region_name=get_region(), config=boto_config ) clients["ec2"] = session.client( "ec2", region_name=get_region(), config=boto_config ) clients["iam"] = session.client( "iam", region_name=get_region(), config=boto_config ) clients["s3"] = session.client( "s3", region_name=get_region(), config=boto_config ) mod_logger.debug("Set profile to {profile:s}".format(profile=profile_name))
#: module-level dictionary of boto3 clients for IAM, EC2, Batch, ECR, ECS, S3. clients = { "batch": boto3.Session(profile_name=get_profile(fallback=None)).client( "batch", region_name=get_region() ), "cloudformation": boto3.Session(profile_name=get_profile(fallback=None)).client( "cloudformation", region_name=get_region() ), "ecr": boto3.Session(profile_name=get_profile(fallback=None)).client( "ecr", region_name=get_region() ), "ecs": boto3.Session(profile_name=get_profile(fallback=None)).client( "ecs", region_name=get_region() ), "ec2": boto3.Session(profile_name=get_profile(fallback=None)).client( "ec2", region_name=get_region() ), "iam": boto3.Session(profile_name=get_profile(fallback=None)).client( "iam", region_name=get_region() ), "s3": boto3.Session(profile_name=get_profile(fallback=None)).client( "s3", region_name=get_region() ), } """module-level dictionary of boto3 clients. Storing the boto3 clients in a module-level dictionary allows us to change the region and profile and have those changes reflected globally. Advanced users: if you want to use cloudknot and boto3 at the same time, you should use these clients to ensure that you have the right profile and region. """
[docs]def refresh_clients(max_pool=10): """Refresh the boto3 clients dictionary""" with rlock: config = botocore.config.Config(max_pool_connections=max_pool) session = boto3.Session(profile_name=get_profile(fallback=None)) clients["iam"] = session.client("iam", region_name=get_region(), config=config) clients["ec2"] = session.client("ec2", region_name=get_region(), config=config) clients["batch"] = session.client( "batch", region_name=get_region(), config=config ) clients["ecr"] = session.client("ecr", region_name=get_region(), config=config) clients["ecs"] = session.client("ecs", region_name=get_region(), config=config) clients["s3"] = session.client("s3", region_name=get_region(), config=config) clients["cloudformation"] = session.client( "cloudformation", region_name=get_region(), config=config )
# noinspection PyPropertyAccess,PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs]class ResourceExistsException(Exception): """Exception indicating that the requested AWS resource already exists""" def __init__(self, message, resource_id): """Initialize the Exception Parameters ---------- message : string The error message to display to the user resource_id : string The resource ID (e.g. ARN, VPC-ID) of the requested resource """ super(ResourceExistsException, self).__init__(message) self.resource_id = resource_id
# noinspection PyPropertyAccess,PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs]class ResourceDoesNotExistException(Exception): """Exception indicating that the requested AWS resource does not exists""" def __init__(self, message, resource_id): """Initialize the Exception Parameters ---------- message : string The error message to display to the user resource_id : string The resource ID (e.g. ARN, VPC-ID) of the requested resource """ super(ResourceDoesNotExistException, self).__init__(message) self.resource_id = resource_id
# noinspection PyPropertyAccess,PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs]class ResourceClobberedException(Exception): """Exception indicating that this AWS resource has been clobbered""" def __init__(self, message, resource_id): """Initialize the Exception Parameters ---------- message : string The error message to display to the user resource_id : string The resource ID (e.g. ARN, VPC-ID) of the requested resource """ super(ResourceClobberedException, self).__init__(message) self.resource_id = resource_id
# noinspection PyPropertyAccess,PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs]class CannotDeleteResourceException(Exception): """Exception indicating that an AWS resource cannot be deleted""" def __init__(self, message, resource_id): """Initialize the Exception Parameters ---------- message : string The error message to display to the user resource_id : string The resource ID (e.g. ARN, VPC-ID) of the dependent resources """ super(CannotDeleteResourceException, self).__init__(message) self.resource_id = resource_id
# noinspection PyPropertyAccess,PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs]class CannotCreateResourceException(Exception): """Exception indicating that an AWS resource cannot be created""" def __init__(self, message): """Initialize the Exception Parameters ---------- message : string The error message to display to the user """ super(CannotCreateResourceException, self).__init__(message)
# noinspection PyPropertyAccess,PyAttributeOutsideInit
[docs]class RegionException(Exception): """Exception indicating the current region is not this resource's region""" def __init__(self, resource_region): """Initialize the Exception Parameters ---------- resource_region : string The resource region """ super(RegionException, self).__init__( "This resource's region ({resource:s}) does not match the " "current region ({current:s})".format( resource=resource_region, current=get_region() ) ) self.current_region = get_region() self.resource_region = resource_region
# noinspection PyPropertyAccess,PyAttributeOutsideInit class ProfileException(Exception): """Exception indicating the current profile isn't the resource's profile""" def __init__(self, resource_profile): """Initialize the Exception Parameters ---------- resource_profile : string The resource profile """ super(ProfileException, self).__init__( "This resource's profile ({resource:s}) does not match the " "current profile ({current:s})".format( resource=resource_profile, current=get_profile() ) ) self.current_profile = get_profile() self.resource_profile = resource_profile # noinspection PyPropertyAccess,PyAttributeOutsideInit class CKTimeoutError(Exception): """Cloudknot timeout error for AWS Batch job results Error indicating an AWS Batch job failed to return results within the requested time period """ def __init__(self, job_id): """Initialize the Exception""" super(CKTimeoutError, self).__init__( "The job with job-id {jid:s} did not finish within the " "requested timeout period".format(jid=job_id) ) self.job_id = job_id # noinspection PyPropertyAccess,PyAttributeOutsideInit class BatchJobFailedError(Exception): """Error indicating an AWS Batch job failed""" def __init__(self, job_id): """Initialize the Exception Parameters ---------- job_id : string The AWS jobId of the failed job """ super(BatchJobFailedError, self).__init__( "AWS Batch job {job_id:s} has failed.".format(job_id=job_id) ) self.job_id = job_id # noinspection PyPropertyAccess,PyAttributeOutsideInit class CloudknotConfigurationError(Exception): """Error indicating an cloudknot has not been properly configured""" def __init__(self, config_file): """Initialize the Exception Parameters ---------- config_file : string The path to the cloudknot config file """ super(CloudknotConfigurationError, self).__init__( "It looks like you haven't run `cloudknot configure` to set up " "your cloudknot environment. Or perhaps you did that but you have " "since deleted your cloudknot configuration file. Please run " "`cloudknot configure` before using cloudknot. " ) self.config_file = config_file # noinspection PyPropertyAccess,PyAttributeOutsideInit class CloudknotInputError(Exception): """Error indicating an input argument has an invalid value""" def __init__(self, msg): """Initialize the Exception Parameters ---------- msg : string The error message """ super(CloudknotInputError, self).__init__(msg) # noinspection PyPropertyAccess,PyAttributeOutsideInit class NamedObject(object): """Base class for building objects with name property""" def __init__(self, name): """Initialize a base class with a name Parameters ---------- name : string Name of the object. Must satisfy regular expression pattern: [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]* """ config_file = get_config_file() conf = configparser.ConfigParser() with rlock: if not ( conf.has_section("aws") and conf.has_option("aws", "configured") and conf.get("aws", "configured") == "True" ): raise CloudknotConfigurationError(config_file) pattern = re.compile("^[a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*$") if not pattern.match(name): raise CloudknotInputError( "We use name in AWS resource identifiers so it must " "satisfy the regular expression pattern: [a-zA-Z][-a-zA-Z0-9]*" " (note that underscores are not allowed)." ) self._name = name self._clobbered = False self._region = get_region() self._profile = get_profile() @property def name(self): """The name of this AWS resource""" return self._name @property def clobbered(self): """Has this instance been previously clobbered""" return self._clobbered @property def region(self): """The AWS region in which this resource was created""" return self._region @property def profile(self): """The AWS profile in which this resource was created""" return self._profile def _get_section_name(self, resource_type): """Return the config section name Append profile and region to the resource type name """ return " ".join([resource_type, self.profile, self.region]) def check_profile(self): """Check for profile exception""" if self.profile != get_profile(): raise ProfileException(resource_profile=self.profile) def check_profile_and_region(self): """Check for region and profile exceptions""" if self.region != get_region(): raise RegionException(resource_region=self.region) self.check_profile()